Sunday, February 24, 2013

Video: Biden?s new push for stricter gun laws

>>> if you want to protect yourself, get a double-barrel shotgun, have the shells of a 12 gauge shot gun, and i promise you as i told my wife, we live in an area that's wooded and it's somewhat secluded, i said, jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony and walk out, put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house. i promise you whoever is coming in is not -- you don't need an ar-15. it's harder to aim. it's harder to use, and, in fact, you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself. g buy a shotgun. buy a shotgun.

>> welcome back to "hardball." buy a shotgun. buy a shotgun 37 that was vice president biden 's feed for gun control this week in an online town hall and that response came to a question whether an assault weapons ban would prevent citizens from defend themselves. yesterday he was in connecticut making an emotional push for stricter gun laws .

>> if the shooter in tucson had a ten-round magazine instead of a 30-round magazine, little granddaughter of a friend of mine from wilmington, delaware, who used to manage the philadelphia phillies , she'd be alive today because when changing his magazine, a woman leaned over in the crowd and knocked his arm and that's how they subdued him. it makes the difference. wouldn't have saved everybody, wouldn't have saved everybody, but the last two people shot would be alive.

>> let's go to steve mcmahon . what role is he playing for the president by being such a shotgun willy here? he's talking about get yourself a shotgun. he said it twice. i'm going to teach my wife to use it. get up on the cal bonny in our leafy neighborhood, let off a couple shots. this is what he's saying, not just have a gun but let off a couple shots in the direction or somewhere around the guy you think is trying to get in your house. it's pretty weird -- this isn't liberal talk . this isn't big city we're against guns talk at all.

>> well, it's not, and it's --

>> what is it?

>> it's talk like this -- it's regular joe talking to joe six pack about common sense gun control laws, and he's doing it because it's the middle, if you will, the people who could go either way on this who respect the first amendment -- sorry, the second amendment, who are hunters who may own guns. it's the obama administration and joe biden through joe biden sending a message we get the importance of second amendment. we understand the value of owning a gun. we understand what it can do for people who want to protect their families. but there are limits to what you need to protect your family and a shotgun is enough. i mean, i think this notion that, you know, if you fire two shots at somebody coming at you with a shotgun and you hit him in the chest, they're not going to come at you anymore. you don't need an assault weapon to hit them and you don't need an assault weapon to protect your family or to hunt.

>> well, yeah, but doesn't that sound like odd -- if you look at the democratic platform even most recently it's all about gun safety , gun control . here is a guy saying go buy a gun. let me ask you, don't give me the political correct answer. what are they up to? is this to move beyond the cities, beyond the suburbs even o try to make sure the

>> yes.

>> -- that can talk to the rural guy?

>> chris, i think it's that. it's moving beyond the cities and even beyond the suburbs and into more rural america , but that's where the votes are to make the difference on something like a magazine clip limit because everybody in the big cities already supports whatever gun control democrats bring forward and it's in rural america and in the suburbs where they resist it. so joe biden is out there basically saying buy a gun, own a gun, protect your family, respect the second amendment, but you don't need a clip, you don't need an assault weapon . and so it's a smart play.

>> okay. let's be totally political about this. suppose we don't get gun control . where does that leave biden ? where does that leave the president? say this year is a good year to get it if we're ever going to get it. if we don't even get the magazine limit because it doesn't clear the senate and therefore doesn't have to come up in the house, it doesn't happen. politically where does that leave the president and then secondly where does that leave the vice president going towards 2016 ?

>> well, i think the president is in a good position because he tried and i think the vice president is in a good position because he's out there making the case. and you have to wonder as you look at 20916 and what the field looks like, let's assume for a second hillary doesn't run. you have two governors who are moving andrew cuomo and martin o'malley of maryland, both very progressive, and i think joe biden is trying to check them on gun control , but demonstrate to democratic primary voters for 2016 and we know he's going to run because he's already indicated he wants to run, that he's somebody who can go into pennsylvania, who can go into ohio, who can go into some of these communities where democrats, northeastern liberal democrats , have a tough time winning a general election . he can speak to those people, he can get their votes, he can earn their trust, and democrats can win in 2016 with joe biden . i think it's a really, really smart play for the administration all the way around. and by the way, you know, the other thing here is from the president's perspective, you put biden out there and if it doesn't go well and he doesn't get everything he wants, then the president snd quite as personally and politically invested as he might otherwise be because he's got a lot of different things he's got to do, a lot of balls in the air. this is really important to the administration but it's something that biden can do very effectively for the pres and it can do everyone at the administration a world of good.

>> steve, you know the democrat politics man to man, person to person. you talk to people. do you think there's any way a successful effort by joe biden on this or any other issue would forestall even an inch or two secretary clinton's decision whether to run or not. would this in any way chill her wanting to run because everybody thinks he's pull out if she goes in.

>> i don't think it will -- i think hillary clinton gets to make a decision and then the field gets to react to that decision. i think what it does do though, chris, and let's assume for a second if she runs, she's the prohibitive front-runner. vice president biden may still run but it's a different race. if she does not run, that's where this kind of activity does the vice president so much good because what he's trying to do is he's trying to make all the oxygen out of the room. he's trying to basically suffocate those who might run against him, which includes those two governors that i mentioned and also probably some other members of the senate who are looking at it. what joe biden does not want is a multicandidate field in 2016 . he wants to have a clear shot, get the nomination, probably put a great big super pac together, of course, completely within the rules, and get started on the general election as soon as possible. what he doesn't want is to go through what mitt romney went through this last year and come through a long primary process weakened, drained, and financially hurting.

>> you have taught me a lot in a couple minutes. if he even gets in the running and gets the nomination, i think it's because well secretary clinton decides not to run but also he did a hell of a job shaking up the campaign last fall. that campaign was not in good shape after the president had that problem in the first debate and then biden came in there very unevenly and a little crassly knocked the hell out of paul ryan . i think people really needed that and i think it made 4i78 look pretty damn good. thank you, steve mcmahon . great to have you. where are you at? you look nice down there. you don't have to answer. you don't have to tell me.

>> it's warm.

>> it looks like it. we've heard a lot of crazy things over the years from texas congressman louis gohmert , but his latest takes it a whole new level. wait until you hear this guy. this guy is something. he's funny he's so crazy and this is "hardball," the place for


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